Fantasy Fiction Movie List |
To recommend additions to this list: This webpage displays its list by showing promotional images of the videos. If you do not see them it may be because of optional ad blocking features that may have been added to your browser. This is because the images come from a third party site. These movies are more fantasy than reality, and as such they are scripted for marketability rather than a realistic portrayal of the BDSM lifestyle. Although some of this fiction may actually be accurate, they are in general undependable in presenting the real lifestyle. Consider the books listed here to be mind candy. For books that accurately depict the lifestyle please see the Educational Book List. Some of these movies have themes of nonconsensuality, especially in the context of enslavement. This is fantasy and the reality is you will end up in prison if you do this. Please see "BDSM Responsibilities."
Male Dominant / female submissive Female Dominant / male submissive
Female Dominant / female submissive Please suggest one.
Legend of the Seeker TV Series
Hidden Castle's Home Page (The Bailey)
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