Educational Movie List |
To recommend additions to this list: This webpage displays its list by showing promotional images of the videos. If you do not see them it may be because of optional ad blocking features that may have been added to your browser. This is because the images come from a third party site. The red dashed border means the movie is Amazon Instant Video only. This is a collection of movies about the real BDSM, how it is lived, and how it is done. There are BDSM clubs everywhere that hold educational events. To find them use keywords such as "BDSM Club" or "Fetish Scene" plus the name of your city or county at the search engines. There is a listing for the Los Angeles area here. A listing for weekend long educational events that attract nationally and internationally is here for inside the USA and here for outside the USA. For movie fiction see the "Fantasy Fiction Movie List". For educational books see the "Educational Book List". Biographical
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