Educational Book List

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This is a collection of books about the real BDSM lifestyle. Included are books covering how to train slaves in the BDSM context. While on the path to becoming a BDSM Master or Mistress books should be considered an important supplement to learning. They are no substitute for learning from a Dominant in real life. A good way to learn, and many would say the best way, is spend some time being a slave yourself. As you are trained to be a slave so are you trained to train a slave. Would you want to learn how to fly an airplane from an instructor who only knew about flying what he had learned in books? Your domination skills will never be as good as they could have been without slave experience and the perspective and knowledge gained by it. Even a few hours of it will be of some benefit.

There are BDSM clubs everywhere that hold educational events. To find them use keywords such as "BDSM Club" or "Fetish Scene" plus the name of your city or county at the search engines. There is a listing for the Los Angeles area here. There are weekend long educational events that attract nationally and internationally. These include weekend events that specialize in how to Dominate and how to be a slave.

For Educational movies and video see the "The Educational Movie List".

There is a lot of information about the real BDSM lifestyle, including how to dominate and enslave, in these blogs.

For fiction see the "Fantasy Fiction Book List".

BDSM Lifestyle
General BDSM Lifestyle
BDSM Relationship Series
Clarisse Thorn
Equipment Construction
Equipment Maintenance
General All In One
Play Technique
Electrical Play
Fire Play
Genital Play
Impact Play
General Historical
Ancient Mideast
Antebellum South USA
Modern Human Trafficking
Roman Diary Series
Male Chastity
Pleasuring Technique
General Pleasuring Technique
Joy of Sex Books
General Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology
Transactional Analysis
Neil Straus Pick Up Artist Books
Rope Bondage
General Rope Bondage
Slave Training
General Slave Training
Elizabeth Cramer Books
Emily Post Books
Butlering Skills
Military Leadership
Power Exchange Series

BDSM Lifestyle

BDSM Relationship Series

Clarisse Thorn

Equipment Construction

Equipment Maintenance

General All In One


Play Technique

Electrical Play

Fire Play

Genital Play

Impact Play


Ancient Mideast

Antebellum South USA

Modern Human Trafficking

Roman Diary Series
This series is actually fiction, but is written to be in a historically accurate context.


Male Chastity

Pleasuring Technique

The Joy of Sex Books
About the Joy of Sex


Evolutionary Psychology

Transactional Analysis


Psychological Reactance: A Theory of Freedom and Control

Mars and Venus Books by John Gray
About Mars and Venus

Neil Straus Pick Up Artist Books
About Neil Strauss



Rope Bondage
See also the rope bondage instructional videos in the Educational Movie List



Slave Training
See also: "Sexual Power for Women: A Real-World Guide to Sexually Enslaving Your Man" and "Prepare to be Owned".
And training events for Dominants and slaves.

Butlering Skills
In 24/7 Owner/slave relationships it is the slave that does the domestic labor. This makes butlering skills highly relevant in slave training. Also relevant are personal services skills such as massage, cutting hair, doing nails (if your owner is to be female), how to make soaps and shampoos, etc. The slave owner should know at least as much about these things as the slave, and so these books are recommended reading for owners also.

10 Secrets Series

The Art of Mastery - A Mentoring Trilogy

Elizabeth Cramer Books

Emily Post Books

Military Leadership

Power Exchange Series

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